Midnight in Paris

I lördags fyllde Sophie 30 år! Det var 20-30 tals tema. Jag älskar maskerader och tycker dessutom om det årtiondet. Det var classy, sotiga ögon, rökiga barer, sminket, kläderna. Jag inspirerades av Marion Cotillards rollfigur i Midnight in Paris när jag letade efter inspiration till smink och kläder. Av bilden ovan får ni en idé om hur jag såg ut. Men mer om det sen! x
/My cousin celebrated her 30th birthday with a 20-30th century theme party this saturday. I love theme parties and I actually like that century. The men were cool and elegant and the women looked beautiful and relaxed. I was inspired by Marion Cotillard in Midnight in Paris. You kind of get the idea of how I looked like by the picture above. But more about that later! x